


ビジネス英語口語表現602: pet peeve

トーク・アベニュービジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 602. pet peeve イライラさせる、不満の種 - a pet peeve is something small that irritates a person a lot 1. One of my pet peeves is when people talk on the …

ビジネス英語口語表現601:to be whipped

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 601. to be whipped 尻に敷かれる、支配される - a person who is whipped does whatever another person tells them to, like a slave 1. Carl cancelled our…

ビジネス英語口語表現600:to be left holding the bag

トーク・アベニュービジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 600. to be left holding the bag 責任を押し付けられる、罪を着せられる - this means to receive full responsibility, for something that you are not necessari…

ビジネス英語口語表現599: to hit the airwaves

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 599. to hit the airwaves 放映される - this means to go on television or radio 1. The singer is hitting the airwaves to promote his new album. 2. Eve…

ビジネス英語口語表現598: haves and have-nots

トークアベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 598. haves and have-nots 持てる者と持たざる者 - “haves” are people who have wealth and power; “have-nots” are people who do not have wealth or power 1…

ビジネス英語口語表現697: to rake someone over the coals

トーク・アベニューのビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 697. to rake someone over the coals 酷評する、叱責する - this means to reprimand, or scold, someone severely. 1. Sidney was raked over the coals for mis…

ビジネス英語口語表現596:hard to come by

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 596. hard to come by 手に入れるのが難しい - if something is hard to come by, it means that it is difficult to find or rare 1. Seats at the meeting w…

ビジネス英語口語表現595:hard of hearing

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 595. hard of hearing 難聴で、耳が遠い - if a person is hard of hearing, it means that they don’t hear well 1. He’s a bit hard of hearing, so be sure…

ビジネス英語口語表現594:hard as nails

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 594. hard as nails 鋼鉄のような - a person who is hard as nails is very tough physically or emotionally 1. She earned a reputation as a hard-as-nails …

ビジネス英語口語表現593: to throw someone under the bus

トーク・アベニューのビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 593. to throw someone under the bus 犠牲にする - this means to sacrifice another person for one’s own personal gain 1. Management threw him under the bu…

ビジネス英語口語表現592:chicken scratch

トーク・アベニュー新宿の口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 592. chicken scratch すさまじい悪筆 - if someone’s handwriting is like chicken scratch, then it is very messy and hard to read 1. Many doctors have chicken scra…

ビジネス英語口語表現591: hands down

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 591. hands down 間違いなく、断然 - this is a way of emphasizing that something is completely a truth, by a large margin 1. They are hands down the bes…

ビジネス英語口語表現590:grease monkey

Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 590. grease monkey 修理工、整備士 - this is an idiomatic term for a mechanic: 1. He wanted his daughter to marry a doctor or a lawyer, so was upset when he learned that she was in love with a grease…

ビジネス英語口語表現589:to go to bat

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 589. to go to bat 援助する、相談にのる - if someone goes to bat for you, they support you or help you when you need it 1. Julie never even thanked me …

ビジネス英語口語表現588:to go off on a tangent

トーク・アベニュービジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 588. to go off on a tangent 脱線する、横道にそれる - this means to suddenly begin talking about something completely unrelated to what you were previously…

ビジネス英語口語表現587: to get off the ground

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 587. to get off the ground 実現する、軌道に乗る - this means, for a project or plan, to begin to be executed or go into effect 1. They created a plan …

ビジネス英語口語表現586: rags to riches

トーク・アベニュービジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 586. rags to riches 無一文から大金持ちになる、立身出世 - this describes a situation where a person starts out life poor but eventually becomes very wealth…

ビジネス英語口語表現585:a fighting chance

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 585. a fighting chance 見込み、チャンス - if you have a fighting chance, this means that you have a reasonable chance of doing or accomplishing some…

ビジネス英語口語表現584:a fate worse than death

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 584. a fate worse than death 悲惨なこと、むごい運命 - to say that something is a fate worse than death is a common way of expressing that something is…

ビジネス英語口語表現583:to fall by the wayside

Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 583. to fall by the wayside 途中であきらめる、挫折する - if something falls by the wayside, it is given up or abandoned 1. The building project fell by the wayside after the collapse of the economic …

ビジネス英語口語表現582:down the drain

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 582. down the drain 大損する、無駄になる - if something is down the drain, that means it has been wasted with no results 1. My car broke again this …

ビジネス英語口語表現581:down time

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 581. down time メンテナンス等のため動いていない時間 - this is a period of time when a machine, website, etc. is not operating as normal, such as for…

ビジネス英語口語表現580:diamond in the rough

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 580. diamond in the rough 大きな可能性を秘めたもの、あるいは人 - a diamond in the rough is something or someone with great hidden potential 1. That …

ビジネス英語口語表現579:dead on

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 579. dead on まさにその通りで、完璧な - if you are dead on, this means that you are absolutely correct about something 1. Her analysis of the company’s …

ビジネス英語口語表現578:down to earth

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 578. down to earth 堅実に、現実的に - a person who is down-to-earth is very practical and realistic 1. Even though his is extremely rich, he’s quite…

ビジネス英語口語表現577:to pop the question

トーク・アベニュー新宿のビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 577. to pop the question プロポーズする - this means to propose marriage, or ask someone to get married 1. Rob is going to take her on a trip to Haw…

ビジネス英語口語表現576: off the record

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 576 off the record 非公式の、オフレコの - if you say something off the record, this means that you say it with a promise that it won’t be written down…

ビジネス英語口語表現575: to sling

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 575. to sling 売ること - this is a slang term for “to sell” 1. Tom’s been working in New York, slinging hot dogs, for about a year now. 2. I’m getting…

ビジネス英語口語表現574:to not give someone the time of day

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より Today’s lesson of colloquial expression 574. to not give someone the time of day人のことなど見向きもしない、人を無視する - this means to not extend any common courtesy, or to be rude and dis…

ビジネス英語口語表現573:in the nick of time

トーク・アベニュー新宿ビジネス英語口語表現集より 573. in the nick of time ぎりぎり間に合って、際どい時に - this means to do something at the very last minute or second 1. The superhero managed to save the city just in the nick of time. 2. …